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The googledrive package makes some world-readable, persistent example files available on Google Drive, to use in examples and reprexes. Local versions of those same example files also ship with the googledrive package, to make it easier to demo specific workflows that start with, e.g., drive_upload().

This article lists these assets and explains how to get at them. Since the remote example files are accessible to all, after we attach googledrive, we also do drive_deauth().

Local example files

Call drive_examples_local() to get the full filepaths. basename() (and fs::path_file()) are handy functions for getting just the filename.

(x <- drive_examples_local())
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/googledrive/extdata/example_files/chicken.csv"    
#> [2] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/googledrive/extdata/example_files/chicken.jpg"    
#> [3] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/googledrive/extdata/example_files/chicken.pdf"    
#> [4] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/googledrive/extdata/example_files/chicken.txt"    
#> [5] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/googledrive/extdata/example_files/imdb_latin1.csv"
#> [6] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/googledrive/extdata/example_files/r_about.html"   
#> [7] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/googledrive/extdata/example_files/r_logo.jpg"

#> [1] "chicken.csv"     "chicken.jpg"     "chicken.pdf"    
#> [4] "chicken.txt"     "imdb_latin1.csv" "r_about.html"   
#> [7] "r_logo.jpg"

You can filter the files by providing a regular expression.

drive_examples_local("csv") %>% basename()
#> [1] "chicken.csv"     "imdb_latin1.csv"

If you want exactly one file, use the singular drive_example_local() and provide the file’s name (or any sufficiently specific regular expression):

drive_examples_local("chicken.jpg") %>% basename()
#> [1] "chicken.jpg"

drive_examples_local("imdb") %>% basename()
#> [1] "imdb_latin1.csv"

Here’s how you might use one of these examples to start demonstrating something with googledrive:

new_google_sheet <- drive_examples_local("chicken.csv") %>% 
  drive_upload(type = "spreadsheet")
# ... example or reprex continues ...

Remote example files

Call drive_examples_remote() to get a dribble of the remote example files. Here I also reveal their MIME type.

drive_examples_remote() %>% 
#> # A dribble: 9 × 4
#>   name            mime_type                        id       drive_resource
#>   <chr>           <chr>                            <drv_id> <list>        
#> 1 chicken_doc     application/… 1X9pd4n… <named list>  
#> 2 chicken_sheet   application/… 1SeFXkr… <named list>  
#> 3 chicken.csv     text/csv                         1VOh6wW… <named list>  
#> 4 chicken.jpg     image/jpeg                       1b2_Zjz… <named list>  
#> 5 chicken.pdf     application/pdf                  13OQcAo… <named list>  
#> 6 chicken.txt     text/plain                       1wOLeWV… <named list>  
#> 7 imdb_latin1.csv text/csv                         1YJSVa0… <named list>  
#> 8 r_about.html    text/html                        1sfCT0z… <named list>  
#> 9 r_logo.jpg      image/jpeg                       1J4v-iy… <named list>

You’ll notice there are two files that aren’t among the local example files, but that are derived from them:

  • chicken_doc: a Google Document made from chicken.txt
  • chicken_sheet: a Google Sheet made from chicken.csv

Here’s a clickable table of the remote example files:

name (these are links) id
chicken_doc 1X9pd4nOjl33zDFfTjw-_eFL7Qb9_g6VfVFDp1PPae94
chicken_sheet 1SeFXkr3XdzPSuWauzPdN-XnaryOYmZ7sFiUF5t-wSVU
chicken.csv 1VOh6wWbRfuQLxbLg87o58vxJt95SIiZ7
chicken.jpg 1b2_ZjzgvrSw0hBMgn-rnEbjp3Uq0XTKJ
chicken.pdf 13OQcAo8hkh0Ja5Wxlmi4a8aNvPK7pDkO
chicken.txt 1wOLeWVRkTb6lDmLRiOhg9iKM7DlN762Y
imdb_latin1.csv 1YJSVa0LTaVtGrZ4eVXYrSQ4y50uFl5bw
r_about.html 1sfCT0zqDz3vpZZlv_4nFlhq2WMaKqjow
r_logo.jpg 1J4v-iyydf1Cad3GjDkGRrynauV9JFOyW

Accessing the remote example files works just like the local files. Provide a regular expression to specify the name of target file(s). Use the singular form to target exactly one file.

#> # A dribble: 6 × 3
#>   name          id       drive_resource   
#>   <chr>         <drv_id> <list>           
#> 1 chicken_doc   1X9pd4n… <named list [30]>
#> 2 chicken_sheet 1SeFXkr… <named list [30]>
#> 3 chicken.csv   1VOh6wW… <named list [36]>
#> 4 chicken.jpg   1b2_Zjz… <named list [38]>
#> 5 chicken.pdf   13OQcAo… <named list [37]>
#> 6 chicken.txt   1wOLeWV… <named list [37]>

#> # A dribble: 1 × 3
#>   name       id                                drive_resource   
#>   <chr>      <drv_id>                          <list>           
#> 1 r_logo.jpg 1J4v-iyydf1Cad3GjDkGRrynauV9JFOyW <named list [38]>

Here’s how you might use one of these examples to start demonstrating something with googledrive:

new_google_doc <- drive_examples_remote("chicken_doc") %>% 
  drive_cp(name = "I have a chicken problem")
# ... example or reprex continues ...